When I see a powerful photograph, my first question is "How was the photographer
capable of producing it - what was his (her) relationship to the subject?" Riding up
Halsted one afternoon I spotted this derelict lying half out into the street in the rush hour
traffic. Crossing the street haphazardly I ended up crashing my bike and rolling into the
very same gutter to the point where our heads collided. Gently he looked over at me
and smiled... "Burkhart!" As our blood momentarily mingled on the sidewalk, I replied
as gently as he, "Man, you've got to get out of the street." To which he replied,
"No... you're Burkhart... I met you one day when wheelchair Johnny brought me over to
your studio... you're a photographer... everybody knows you!" The traffic whizzed by.
The relationship was evident. "My name is Arthur," he offered his hand out to me,
"but you can call me Art."